Unremarkable month brings Spring to a close

A very average month of May has brought Spring 2019 to a close, with temperatures, sunshine and rainfall all close to the long-term averages for the UK.

There have been regional differences though, with a clear split between north and south with varying amounts of rainfall when compared to the 1981-2010 long-term average. South-west England was comparatively dry, in sharp contrast to north-east Scotland. Moray received more than double its average monthly rainfall with 128.8 mm while further south-west Carmarthenshire only received 36% of its average with 33.6 mm of rainfall.


The hours of sunshine have also been close to average across the UK, with the most sunshine in South West England and South Wales where there was 212 hours of sunshine.


Mean temperatures across the UK were all close to the long-term average too, with all regions just under the average. The UK was 0.3 °C below average with a mean temperature of 10.0 °C.


Provisional May 2019 Mean temp (°C) Sunshine (hours) Rainfall (mm)
Actual  Diff from avg (°C) Actual % of avg Actual % of avg
UK 10.0 -0.3 188.5 101 64.8 93
England 11.0 -0.2 201.6 106 43.9 75
Wales 10.2 -0.4 200.3 107 46.9 55
Scotland 8.3 -0.5 168.5 95 105.5 125
N Ireland 9.9 -0.3 158.5 87 58.5 81

Looking at Spring as a whole there is a broadly similar distribution of conditions. Many regions received more than their average rainfall for the season, predominantly in the north and west. Once again, Moray was the wettest county when compared to the long-term average with 45% more than average, 272.2 mm in total. Other areas saw below-average rainfall, mostly in the south and east. Bedfordshire received 87.2 mm which is 62% of its average Spring rainfall total.


Despite spells of warmer weather, including over the Easter weekend, temperatures ended up being only just above average across much of the UK. For the country as a whole Spring was 0.7°C above the long-term average. The mildest location compared to its average was the Isle of Wight which was 1°C above average.


It was a sunny Spring, all regions exceeded their average sunshine hours with the exception of Northern Ireland. East Anglia was the sunniest area with 537 hours of sunshine across March, April and May.


Provisional Spring 2019 Mean temp (°C) Sunshine (hours) Rainfall (mm)
Actual  Diff from avg (°C) Actual % of avg Actual % of avg
UK 8.4 0.7 473.0 109 249.1 105
England 9.2 0.7 510.4 113 170.9 94
Wales 8.7 0.6 467.4 106 340.2 116
Scotland 7.0 0.7 429.9 106 346.2 109
N Ireland 8.4 0.5 372.3 87 295.7 122

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Please note that these provisional figures, especially for rainfall and sunshine, are subject to revision. Anomalies are expressed relative to the 1981-2010 averaging period.





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