A mixed June so far

So far in June there has been quite a variation in the weather we have seen. The start of the month brought some warm and sunny weather, especially in the west. However, more recently it has been rather more unsettled with heavy showers for some.

The statistics for 1-15 June show that west has definitely been best for the warmth so far this month. Maximum temperatures here were well above normal, with Argyllshire in western Scotland almost four degrees above the average for June.

Porthmadog in northwest Wales currently holds the record for the highest temperature of the year so far with 27.8C on 5 June, whilst 27.7C was reached at Plockton in northwest Scotland on 10 June.

Meanwhile in the east it has been rather cool by day, due to cloudier conditions and an onshore breeze. As a result, maximum temperatures have been below average in all east-coast counties; by over a degree for both Lincolnshire and East Lothianshire.

june max 17

Across the UK as a whole, the rainfall total is around average for this stage in the month. However, heavy and thundery showers have given localised large rainfall totals, with some surface water flooding as drains have been unable to cope with the high rainfall rates. Parts of Aberdeenshire, Co Londonderry and numerous places in England are already close to the whole month average, with Leicestershire already having seen 29% above.

Conversely there has been very little rain so far in western Scotland and the Western & Northern Isles, also for the west of Cornwall and the south coast from Dorset eastwards.

Maximum temperature Mean    temperature Rainfall
1-15 June 2016 Actual Anom Actual Anom Actual Anom
degC degC degC degC mm %
UK 18.3 1 14.1 1.1 37.3 51
England 18.9 0.3 14.8 0.8 39.9 65
Wales 19.4 2.1 15.3 2.1 54.6 64
Scotland 16.7 1.6 12.5 1.2 27.2 31
N Ireland 20 3.1 15.3 2.6 44.4 58

Looking ahead and after some further heavy showers today (Friday) there should be a brief respite in the weather over the weekend. However, this will be short lived with unsettled weather expected to arrive through Sunday and into the beginning of next week.

Changeable conditions are then likely through the rest of the month, though temperatures will often be above normal over England and Wales.

You can keep up to date with the latest forecast information via our new Weather App as well as on our forecast pages, Facebook and Twitter sites. Our events page also has forecast weather information for a number of events around the country.

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2 Responses to A mixed June so far

  1. xmetman says:

    I think one of the most striking things about the first half of June 2016 to me was the difference in sunshine between the west and far north when compared to the more cloudier eastern parts of the country, sunshine never really gets very much of a mention in your post.

    • Hi Bruce
      The temperature difference across the country certainly reflects the contrast in the amount of sunshine we have seen between the cloudier east and the sunnier north and west. Scotland and Northern Ireland have fared particularly well so far.

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