Met Office in the News: 28 September 2010

The Daily Express, among others, reports on ‘Snowy night is the coldest in 30 years‘. The cold conditions over last weekend were the result of high pressure, clear skies and a northerly air flow across the UK.  Through the weekend some notably low minimum temperatures for September were recorded. Overnight Saturday in to Sunday, Tyndrum (Highland) recorded -4.4 °C, the coldest September night in records from 1990, and Tulloch Bridge (Highland) recorded -4.2 °C, the coldest September night in records from 1982. Exeter Airport recorded  a low of -1.1 °C with Chivenor recording 2.2°C, the lowest September minimum since 1990  and Plymouth 3.5°C, the lowestsince 1974. Overnight Sunday into Monday, Kinbrace (Highland) recorded -4.4 °C, the lowest September night since 1989.

Today also sees the Met Office host a conference, exploring extreme winter weather in Devon.  At this conference a severe weather response plan for Haldon Hill has been launched by local councils, agencies and emergency services through the Devon Local Resilience Forum. The aim is to prevent repeats of the traffic chaos caused by heavy snowfall over the last two winters. John Harrison, Met Office Road and Rail Business Manager, added: “Another cold winter like the last two is possible, so this conference provides the perfect platform to help plan ahead for potentially severe winter weather. We are on hand around the clock to help our customers make the best possible decisions to plan and prepare effectively for severe weather and minimise the impact on our local infrastructure and resources.”

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