Met Office website widget to support local tourism

Following the wettest summer in over a century, a north Devon tourism boss has suggested the Met Office delivers ‘pessimistic forecasts’. Although we can’t change the weather we’d like to help in any other way we can.

The Met Office has worked with the tourism industry in recent years to provide detailed forecasts for resorts, beaches and attractions with local forecasts for up to 5000 locations across the UK. All our forecasts provide local three-hourly detail of the weather with information on the chance of rain so that visitors can plan their day out with confidence and make the most of the great British weather come rain or shine.

We have also made these forecasts easier to access for holiday makers and attraction owners too. Such developments include our website widget which attraction owners can embed on their websites so that visitors can get instant access to the latest forecasts, warnings and observations. With a simple click the most up-to-date and accurate weather forecast, not just for today but for the next five day.

At the time of launch of these local forecasts, Mark Smith, Director of Bournemouth Tourism said: “These forecasts from the Met Office communicate weather forecast information in clearer, more appropriate and user friendly ways that allow tourists and tourism operators to better plan activities.”

In addition visitors can get our forecasts from our popular Android and iPhone Apps, mobile phones which allow you to get the latest weather forecast on the go, as well as on TV or on the radio.

The Met Office is trusted by the public to give the best possible guidance on the weather and we report the weather exactly as it is, so by putting our weather forecasts on tourist attraction websites, visitors can access the best weather forecasts available.

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2 Responses to Met Office website widget to support local tourism

  1. miscanthus12 says:

    I think the met office widget might be good for our local blog about Chadkirk Country Park. How do I add it? Thanks

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